Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Coolest thing today!

When I took the carb off the fuel line came off in an odd way. It just pulled out. I went about cleaning it and all went well. Today I went to Cycletech and Jim told me the secret. The metal fuel tap (?) is a pressure fit part. Somehow it had come out so in order to put it back in I had to put the Carb in the Oven and the fuel tap in the freezer. I did this for about 15 minutes. When I took them out I thread locked the outside of the fuel tap and dropped it right in. Very Very Cool!


  1. One question: How did you get the car. and petcock to look so clean and shiny?!

  2. Mothers Aluminum polish and 0 Steel Wool. I also used a plastic auto detail brush. I would apply the polish with the steel wool. Rub it in a bit then clean off the majority with a shop rag. Then I would hold a soft cotton T shirt between my knees and rub/buff the part I just cleaned. It actually didn't take very long. If you have a vise that would be much easier.

  3. Great. Thanks. My carb turned somewhat black after boiling it to clean it.

  4. Bravo pour le blog,je restaure un cb92 a bientot
